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Use the form below to request an estimate. Someone from our office will get back to you by phone or email as soon as possible. There is no obligation.
Remember, the more information we have about the job, the better an estimate we can calculate, so include details.

Contact information:

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Best way to contact you:
By email
By phone
If by phone, when is the best time to contact you?
Describe the job:
I am interested in:
Roof Repair
Roof Replacement
Describe anything else about the job you think is important (be specific):

Click below to see a map to our location.
Once there you'll find all the Certainteed shingle samples and colors in the office. You'll find product brochures and information for any phase of a roofing project.
Also available are reference books for the correct installation of all the roofing products availabale from NRCA, MRCA and other sources. A library of how-to-roof knowledge!
Feel free to call if you need any additional information about how to find us.

I'm happier. ... I guess I made up my mind to be that way.
- Merle Haggard





mrca.org/                                             (MidwestRoofingContractors Association)


www.roofingcontractorreview.com                      Roofing contractor site


www.amarcoroofing.com                                     The Best Roofing Contractor in NWI!








American Metal & Asphalt Rofing Company
903 W. Daumer Road
Kouts, IN 46347
Phone: (219) 766-3874
Fax:     (219) 766-2980